A Nuzlocke is a Pokemon challenge run that has three main rules
1. You may only catch the first Pokemon in each area
2. If a Pokemon faints it is considered dead and can no longer be used in battle
3. All Pokemon must be named so that you grow attached and are incentivised to keep them alive
This will serve as a log of my adventures. At the moment it will Just be Emerald Seaglass but I will eventually be doing more runs in diffrent games.
On the left will be my Game Log, this will be my retelling of events to the best of my ability using notes I take during the run.
On the right will be Story Mode, this will be a written adaptation based on the Game Log. My goal is to eventually write my own story using my Nuzlocke as the baseline.
Think a glorified fanfic with a ruleset for writing it.
I'm using art I find on google images so if an artist goes uncredited that is because I couldn't find them.
I hope you enjoy!!!